Carol King’s Travelers Aid career and history began in 1976 at the ‘old’ Greyhound Bus Station in Chicago’s Loop. As a caseworker, she rotated between ‘Bus’, Union Train Station, and O’Hare Airport where services were offered. These public spaces provided a frontline vantage point to observe changing social needs and diverse populations.
Carol saw an enduring connection between the early history of the Travelers Aid movement and current events and practices. Preserving and disseminating Travelers Aid Chicago’s past and present history has been a great source of pride for Carol who recently celebrated her 40th anniversary with Travelers Aid Chicago.
Carol has been a docent with the Chicago Architecture Foundation for over a decade. She conducts walking tours of historic and modern structures in downtown Chicago. Her favorite tour is Art Deco.
If she could be a time traveler, she would visit the 1920’s and 1930’s to explore the glorious buildings, especially the train terminals where many Travelers Aid programs originated.

Carol’s original employee badge